
2022-10-08 12:57:48 最新体育 sjyct




3、舍甫琴科英文:Shevchenko 舍瓦是:Sheva;   

4、舍瓦是舍甫琴科的爱称 就象叫内斯塔桑德罗,叫因扎吉Pippo,叫科斯塔 鲁伊一样的。 还有曼奇尼叫曼乔,特拉帕托尼叫特拉普,小因扎吉叫莫内,托蒂叫弗兰,德尔皮埃罗叫Alex等等。  舍甫琴科(足球运动员)一般指安德烈·舍甫琴科,1976年09月29日出生于乌克兰首都基辅,乌克兰籍足球运动员,场上司职前锋,前乌克兰国家队队长。先后效力过基辅迪纳摩、AC米兰和切尔西。2012年舍甫琴科在波兰·乌克兰欧洲杯后宣布挂靴退役。


Appearances 7 -
Mins. Played 515 -
Goals scored 7 1.22
Total shots 19 3.32
Shots wide 6 1.05
Assists 2 0.35
Offsides 8 1.4
Fouls committed 4 0.7
Fouls suffered 13 2.27
Yellow cards - -
Red cards - -

Statistics last updated after (21 February 2006)
ProfileUkrainian legend Andriy Shevchenko is one of the most exciting forwards in the game, combining speed and skill with a sharp eye for goal, as he proved in the 2002/03 UEFA Champions League final.

National team
Now his country's talisman, Shevchenko first appeared for Ukraine in March 1995 against Croatia, scoring his first goal in May 1996 against Turkey. Achieved his dream of qualifying for a major tournament when Ukraine won FIFA World Cup qualifying Group 2 to advance to Germany.

Shevchenko spent five seasons at FC Dynamo Kyiv, before joining Milan in 1999 for €26m. He had just scored eight goals to help Dynamo into the Champions League semi-finals. During the previous season he struck a first-half hat-trick at the Camp Nou in a sensational 4-0 win against FC Barcelona. He left the club having won five championships and two Ukrainian Cups.

1999: It was no great surprise when 'Sheva' became the first foreigner to top the Serie A scoring charts in a debut season. He tormented Serie A defenders with another 24-goal haul in the 2000/01 season, and managed 14 goals in 29 league appearances in 2001/02. Shevchenko scored the winning penalty in the 2003 Champions League final victory against Juventus FC and also received the Ukrainian Order of Merit from president Leonid Kuchma.

2003: Scored the only goal in the UEFA Super Cup defeat of FC Porto in Monaco, and again top scored in Serie A with 24 goals prior to signing a new contract with the champions until 2009.

2004/05: Scored the hat-trick that earned Milan victory in the Italian Super Cup against S.S. Lazio in August. Voted the European Footballer of the Year, Shevchenko scored 17 goals in Serie A and six in the UEFA Champions League but his season ended in disappointment as he missed the decisive kick in the Champions League final penalty shoot-out against Liverpool FC.



Andriy Shevchenko - Andriy Mykolayovych Shevchenko, born September 29, 1976 in Dvirkivschyna, near Kyiv) is a Ukrainian football player who is a striker for A.C. Milan and the Ukrainian national team. Shevchenko started off his career with Ukrainian side Dynamo Kyiv, where under the guidance of Valeri Lobanovsky he flourished into one of the team's most prominent and skillful players.

In 1999 he joined Italian side A.C. Milan for $26 million and has been one of their key players. Since he moved to Italy, he has won the Serie A scoring title twice, in 1999-2000, and 2003-2004.

In 2003, Shevchenko scored the winning penalty in Champions League final against Juventus, giving A.C. Milan the title. Two years later, his penalty was saved by Jerzy Dudek to hand the title to Liverpool (the English side had one kick left).

In December of 2004 Shevchenko was named the European Footballer of the Year. He was also named by Pel?as one of the top 125 greatest living footballers in March 2004.

During the summer of 2004, Roman Abramovich, the owner of Chelsea, offered a record sum of 50 million Euro and striker Hernan Crespo to A.C. Milan in exchange for Andriy. Milan refused but took Crespo on loan.


Taras Shevchenko University
or officially
the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
colloquially known in Ukrainian as KNU is located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
KNU is ranked within top 500 Universities in the world founded in 1834. It is the third oldest university in Ukraine after the University of Lviv and University of Kharkiv. Currently, its structure consists of fifteen faculties (academic departments) and five institutes. It was founded in 1834 as the Kiev Imperial University of Saint Vladimir, and since then it has changed its name several times.


“乌克兰核弹头” 舍普琴科 姓名:安德列·舍甫琴科 (Andri Shevchenko) 昵称: 舍瓦 (Sheva) 切维(Chevy) 出生年月:1976年9月29日 身高:183CM 体重:73KG 场上位置:前锋 个人简介 :舍甫琴科9岁时,被 基辅 迪纳莫的教练谢帕卡夫从一个羽毛球训练营中发掘,从此开始足球生涯。17岁时,舍甫琴科以基辅迪纳莫二队最佳射手的身份加入一线队,并入选了乌克兰国奥队。次年又以出色的表现入选国家队。随后他转入 意甲 著名球队AC米兰,并帮助球队夺得了2003年 欧洲冠军杯 。



安德烈·舍甫琴科(Andriy Shevchenko)国籍:乌克兰场上位置:前锋出生日期:1976年9月29日身高:183cm体重:72kg现效力俱乐部:乌克兰 AC米兰曾效力俱乐部:基辅迪纳摩个人简历安德列·舍甫琴科1976年9月29日出生在乌克兰德维基夫辛纳。9岁时,被基辅迪纳摩的教练谢帕卡夫从一个羽毛球训练营中发掘,从此开始足球生涯。在谢帕卡夫的指导下,年轻的舍甫琴科赢得了许多荣誉。1990年迪纳摩14岁以下少年队参加了在威尔士举行的伊恩·拉什杯。舍甫琴科成为了比赛的最佳射手,球星拉什将自己的射门靴颁给了他。有趣的是,1997年他们再次相遇,不过这次是在欧洲冠军杯的比赛中,拉什代表着最后的东家纽卡斯尔。舍甫琴科首次在大规模比赛中上场是在1993年的冬季。代表迪纳摩二队出战的他以12粒进球获得最佳射手。接着他入选了乌克兰奥运代表队,也顺其自然地成为了基辅迪纳摩的主力。1994年11月23日代表基辅迪纳莫队客场0:1负于俄罗斯莫斯科斯巴达克队的比赛是舍瓦的欧战处子秀。而第一个欧战进球则是在18岁时对垒拜仁慕尼黑所得。1995年3月25日代表乌克兰队客场0:4负于克罗地亚队的比赛中首次出场国际比赛。在欧冠赛场与雷布罗夫联决搭档构成的基辅双子星威震欧罗巴大地。AC米兰付出了2500万美元和让舍甫琴科继续为迪纳摩队效力一年的代价得到了“乌克兰核弹头”。1999年8月29日代表客场AC米兰队2:2平莱切队的比赛中首次出场意甲联赛。也许是从小就在寒冷的基辅长大,在米兰的前几个赛季,舍瓦在冬季的进球始终不多。但出色的爆发力,惊人的速度,使他在红黑军团取得了俱乐部的一切荣誉:他是第一个捧起欧洲冠军杯的乌克兰人,第一个在初次登陆亚平宁就荣膺意甲最佳射手的外籍球员。2004年更是赢得了世界性的奖项“金球奖”。今年,在舍甫琴科有力的保障下,乌克兰队正朝2006年德国世界杯决赛圈高歌猛进。只差3分,乌克兰人就能除去心中无缘世界杯赛场的阴霾。最喜爱运动:游泳、网球、汽车(父亲是汽车工程师)最喜爱电影:The Goalkeeper最喜爱饮料:橙汁、菠萝汁最喜爱食物:烤鸡偶像:全部1986年基辅迪纳莫队员、贝利、济科、普拉蒂尼、罗马里奥舍甫琴科的座右铭是:不要把我当成偶像,我还没有取得什么成就。舍甫琴科将近34岁,他参加下届世界杯的可能性不大,但是,在自己参加可能是唯一的一届世界杯上就取得两个进球



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