
2022-10-19 0:07:46 最新体育 sjyct






how long —Charlie Puth 不知道是不是你要的 中间也是呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 节奏感很强很好听


朋友,我找了半天也没找到,如果你实在想要知道的话建议你打114查下深圳电台的电话,然后呢问一下那个频道放的歌,但愿能够帮到你,谢谢,祝 运~



五:深圳电台1062伴你同行 在线听、深圳电台1062伴你同行的背景音乐是什么很快的英文歌。播一下而已

golden sky smile 你说的应该是这个吧, Golden Sky Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Welcome to the wonderland, a place for you and me If you treat me right then maybe you will have a key This world is very special and I'll show it just for you All you have to say is "Yes, I do" Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah There are many secrets that I'd like to share with you I will show you magic if the words you say are true Imagine that the wildest dreams are in this mystery It's a perfect place for you and me Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay... Let us fly-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay... Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It's the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah让我们飞吧~ 拉迪哒 ~ 飞向金色的天空 这是个微笑的天堂 一个太阳永远照耀的地方 拉迪哒~ 让我们一起飞吧 欢迎来到梦幻王国,一个只有你和我的地方 如果你对我好,那么你或许就会有方法 这个世界是如此特别,我会只为你展现 你所要说的只是:是的我愿意! 让我们飞吧~拉迪哒 ~ 飞向金色的天空 这是个微笑的天堂 一个太阳永远照耀的地方 我想和你分享许多我的秘密 如果你所说的话是真的,我会给你变魔法 想象最狂野的梦想就在这秘密里 这是只为你和我的一个完美世界 让我们一起飞吧~ 飞向金色的天空 这是个微笑的天堂 一个太阳永远照耀的地方 拉迪哒~


深圳有4套广播台.FM898新闻频道 FM942生活频道 FM971飞场音乐频道 FM1062交通频道

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